This week it's Scion Of The Ur Dragon vs. Edgar Markov vs. Obuun, Mul Daya Ancestor vs. Kamahl, Heart of Krosa & Jeska, Thrice Reborn Whose deck will we hate most?
This week it's Scion Of The Ur Dragon vs. Edgar Markov vs. Obuun, Mul Daya Ancestor vs. Kamahl, Heart of Krosa & Jeska, Thrice Reborn Whose deck will we hate most?
This episode brings us Beky Bear and returning guest David Ksido. Both of these guests join Lynch and Joseph the co-hosts of I Hate Your Deck, to go head to head in this multiplayer game! Akiri, Fearless Voyager vs. Rielle The Everwise vs. Anowon, The Ruin Thief vs. Phenax, God of Deception
THE REMATCH! Rachel Weeks and Krissie Lynch are back to join Lynch and Joseph, the co-hosts of I Hate Your Deck, to go head to head in this multiplayer game! Revenge is on the plate today!
It's Orvar, The All-Form vs Kaalia of the Vast vs Gishath, Sun's Avatar vs Trostani, Selesnyas Voice Whose deck will we hate most?
It's Oloro, Ageless Ascetic vs Kaalia of the Vast vs Seton, Krosan Protector vs Pir, Imaginative Rascal and Toothy, Imaginary Friend Whose deck will we hate most?
Cardsphere users can now opt-in to making their Haves visible to other users. Details inside.
Some small but important changes to the user profile page.
Some of our sponsored creators have teamed up to raise money for Extra Life!
As usual, we celebrate our anniversary by putting out a ton of data for people to pore through. This time, it's Efren's turn.
Efren Abrego explains how to determine if that hot trade you've scooped up is actually a low value card from Magic's most infamous set.