Joe's back ruminating on which RNA cards slot into Legacy decks, and doling out Tip and Tricks aplenty.
Joe's back ruminating on which RNA cards slot into Legacy decks, and doling out Tip and Tricks aplenty.
Joe Dyer, the Eternalist, sweeps in the new year with some sage advice on important, timing-based plays for legacy on MTGO.
Joe Dyer's last story of 2018 looks at one of the priciest eternal decks out there: Lands. In all its delicious, tentacley goodness.
The Eternalist breaks down those dreadful certainties: Death and Taxes.
Joe Dyer goes over his personal favorite deck archetype: Nic Fit.
Joe Dyer and his amazing "loose 'goose". Taking a look at RUG Delver in Legacy/
How did Dragon Stompy get its name? The Eternalist, Joe Dyer, lets us know in this month's installment.
Joe Dyer finishes off his coverage of TVSL 2018 with this look at the finals between Channel Fireball and Snapcardster!
The Eternalist is back to provide the blow by blow of TVSL Semifinals Round 2.
Howdy folks, it's Joe again and we're here with more sweet sweet Team Vintage Super League recap! It's the big time folks! It's the TOP FOUR. That's right. Four teams will enter this round, but only TWO will emerge to the finals. And this semifinals round includes the…