Johnny Slivers offers his opinions on some interesting Commander cards coming out of Guilds fo Ravnica.
Johnny Slivers offers his opinions on some interesting Commander cards coming out of Guilds fo Ravnica.
Is there more to Commander 2018 than you think? Kicking off a monthly column, John Humphries looks to other recent releases for answers.
Igor tries to ruffle some feathers with his opinion on Taxes in EDH/Commander.
Steve Horton joins us to look ahead to a Brawl deck he's building that depends on many new cards from Dominaria.
Stephen Biston takes a closer look at 5 cards he feels aren't getting the Commander play they should. Do you agree?
So, you've just finished a prerelease and opened a cool new Legendary creature, or you stumbled on an obscure Legend from your LGS' dollar bin, and now you want to build a Commander deck? Worry not, hypothetical reader, I am here to help you build that deck quicker than…