One of the major complaints about Magic: the Gathering is the cost.  With Commander/EDH being an eternal format, it can be somewhat less expensive than chasing rotating Standard, but with the depth of the card pool and playability of costly reserved list cards, price can still be a major factor.

8 Min Read

Orren McKay ruminates on the many useful one drops that appear throughout his Commander decks. And a few that get left in the box.

20 Min Read

Not long ago Ted asked me if I was interested in writing about (checks notes), "irritating commanders and cards that hose them.” I stewed on it for a bit. At first I wasn’t sure how I wanted approach this. Who am I to decide which commanders are more irritating…

10 Min Read

Johnny SLivers may have a crush on Tibalt, but he loves loads of the cards in War of the Spark. Which ones will be joining your 99s?

12 Min Read

Johnny Slivers has a unique take on a deck tech this month, demonstrating we build our decks for all kinds of reasons. This is Mayael, in Memorium.

7 Min Read