Every so often it's a good idea to cover some of the finance basics for people just now getting started. Cliff Daigle does so with this month's article.
Every so often it's a good idea to cover some of the finance basics for people just now getting started. Cliff Daigle does so with this month's article.
Cliff Daigle shares his advice on smart pickups across multiple formats, as Magic approaches the return of in-person play, Standard rotation, and strong supplemental products.
These are unprecedented times for Magic Finance, as we see chase cards and special treatments with higher scarcity than ever before. Cliff Daigle discusses lessons learned in this new era.
Cliff Daigle opens up the Mystical Archive, discussing both the wide variety of printings and how pack collation impacts availability of certain cards.
Cliff Daigle amends his rules, adapting to scarcity designed into recent Magic sets like Time Spiral Remastered.
Cliff Daigle is swapping out his fetches and explains how Cardsphere tags help him find the best way to do so.
Cliff Daigle examines the confluence of events that have led to recent price spikes in the collectibles market. What comes after Wheel?
We've all seen hype cycle hit when a new legend provides clear build around direction. What's the best reaction from the financial perspective? Cliff Daigle shares his thoughts.
The massive price drop of Jeweled Lotus should have been predictable. Cliff Daigle compares it to other times we should have learned our lesson.
WotC is reprinting cards like never before. What does this mean for players who pay for their hobby via magic finance?