Ethan Saks returns to examine whether or not the rumors about Green in GRN are true -- is it the weakest color?
Ethan Saks returns to examine whether or not the rumors about Green in GRN are true -- is it the weakest color?
Ethan Saks goes over the characteristics of great limited formats. What kinds of cards contribute to gameplay rich with options?
Ethan Saks' commentary on the five mechanics of Guilds of Ravnica, and their expected power levels in limited.
Ethan Saks provides a draft primer for the upcoming MTGO flashback draft: Khans of Tarkir!
Join Ethan Saks as he puzzles out the best line of play while hellbent, by paying careful attention to the board state.
Ethan Saks talks us through his gameplay decision making processes from a recent Core 2019 draft.
How fast is Core Set 2019 Limited? Let's run the numbers and try to find out!
How fast is Dominaria Limited? Let's run the numbers and try to find out!
How fast is Rivals of Ixalan Limited? Let's run the numbers and try to find out!