Members of the Cardsphere community pick their favorite cards from #MTGTHB. Joining Efren & Ted are Josh Moore and Elizabeth Rice.
Members of the Cardsphere community pick their favorite cards from #MTGTHB. Joining Efren & Ted are Josh Moore and Elizabeth Rice.
Missing Christmas already? Josh takes you on one last walk through a winter wonderland in the wrap up of the 3rd Annual Cardsphere Secret Santa
Elizabeth Rice discusses her experiences and takeaways from Mythic Championship VII in her first article for Cardsphere.
If you've ever received a trade from Paper Tiger, you remember the packaging! He takes us through how he came to make such beautiful things.
Time flies when you're having fun, and we almost can't believe that this year's Secret Santa is upon us!
If you know her, you love her. If you don't, start watching.
As usual, we celebrate our anniversary by putting out a ton of data for people to pore through. This time, it's Efren's turn.
Ted takes a moment to have a discussion with a long-time Cardsphere user about his new service, MTGMeta.io.
Eric Williamson talks about the community build of Omnath, Locus of Rage for ExoticMTG.