BG Blessing Control | Standard Sean

2 Noxious Gearhulk
2 Walking Ballista
4 Gifted Aetherborn
3 Gonti, Lord of Luxury
1 Cast Down
4 Fatal Push
4 Vraska's Contempt
2 Arguel's Blood Fast
3 Liliana, Death's Majesty
2 Doomfall
2 Duress
2 Gaea's Blessing
3 Never // Return
2 Ifnir Deadlands
4 Memorial to Folly
1 Scavenger Grounds
15 Swamp
4 Woodland Cemetery
2 Deadeye Tracker
2 Doomfall
2 Duress
2 Golden Demise
1 Gonti, Lord of Luxury
1 Ravenous Chupacabra
4 Scrapheap Scrounger
1 Vraska, Relic Seeker