Introducing Tags

Today, Cardsphere was updated with the long-awaited ability to tag your Haves and Wants. Tags are the most powerful and flexible way to manage your collection, your trade/buy/sell activity, and your deck inventory.
Just some of the ideas we have for how tags can be used today:
- Decks
- Formats
- Importance
- Price level
- Box or binder
- Speculation
- On behalf of
We're pretty sure our users will come up with many more uses for tags (and we'd like to hear about them in our Discord server).
Although the use of tags is not strictly required for success on Cardsphere, we wanted to make sure all users could try them out. All Sphereoids will be able to use two tags for free. Users with premium membership will have an unlimited number of tags. Our hope is that even with just two tags folks will be able to improve their trading routines and get a solid glimpse into how unthinkably useful tagging is, and sign up for Premium.
The current implementation of tags is just the beginning. Tags are going to become a solid base for a number of other related features. We see tags eventually showing up on Sending, Receiving, and Send pages. As always, we start out carefully, and give ourselves plenty of oportunities to act on your feedback.
So how do you use tags?
Tag Manager
Under your user menu, there's a new Tag Manager page.
Although you can add tags anywhere you can select tags, this central location gives you an overview of all the tags you've created, and how they've been applied.
All you have to do is enter your text and choose a color. Clicking on a tag's Haves or Wants count brings you to a list filtered to show items with that tag.
To edit an existing tag, simply click its row in the table.
Tag Selectors
When adding Haves or Wants, you can now assign tags as you go. Pick from your existing list or add new ones on the fly. Click the tag option to jump to the Tag Manager page.
You can also assign tags for all cards in any import job.
Using Tags with Filters and Actions
Tags are used with Filters and Actions to make your life easier. Let's look at an example where a tag is used to adjust the offers in bulk. First Wants are filtered to find all the cards with that tag.
You can also add other filters to refine the displayed list, of course. Next, switch to the Actions tab. The list remains filtered to only those cards with the chosen tag. Click any of the action buttons to perform bulk operations. In this case, the Set Offer button.
Change the offer value and then choose how to apply the change. You can apply the change to all your Wants (or Haves as the case may be), only those made visible by the filter, or only those hidden by the filter.
A Note About Premium
So, what happens when you have a whole bunch of tags, and your Premium membership lapses, as will often be the case for people who have Premium from referrals?
First of all, no tags will be lost so when the membership is renewed, everything goes back to the way it was. However, to prevent abuse, all but the oldest two tags will be temporarily masked - that is their text will be hidden and the color will be grey.
We know it's been a long stretch waiting for this deployment, but while this epic was being coded, a lot of Cardsphere was rewritten as well. All these under the hood changes were made to ensure Cardsphere continues to be a responsive, lightweight application, and is ready for the many improvements coming this year.
Thanks for being patient. We hope tags make you happy.