Secret Lairs and Value

Cliff Daigle is back with another rock solid evaluation of product EV for current Secret Lair drops, and talks about the introduction of "mega-rare" variants.

5 Min Read

Crimson Vow Review for Commander

With a dire wedding march playing in the background, Andy Zupke takes us through the best cards in Crimson Vow for your commander decks.

17 Min Read

Trade Fee Update

Please read this important announcement about a change to our trade fees beginning December 1st, 2021.

1 Min Read

The Ghost You Gave Me - a Dorothea Commander Deck Tech

Back with another decklist that's we're dying to try out, this time Andy Zupke is back with a Dorothea, Vengeful Victim list!

8 Min Read

Underrated $1 Blue Rares

Triple Mango Threat takes a look at some of the budget Blue cards that often get a spot in her Commander decks.

6 Min Read

Magic With Zuby Episode 262 - Has Magic the Gathering become more complex?

This week Zuby discusses the more recent mechanics in Magic the Gathering and whether or not the mechanics developed in the age of Arena have made the game too complex.complex.

1 Min Read

Halloweenie Roast!

Happy Halloween(ies)! White got something very unique in Midnight Hunt limited: card advantage. I’d like to take a look at some of the best white common creatures of not only the set, but of recent memory. Mmmmmm... I can already smell the hot dogs.

7 Min Read

The Deck I Didn't Want to Build

Andy Zupke thought that Gnostro was a no-go. Good thing he gave this underused Commander a chance, because this list is hot!

10 Min Read

If Paper Magic Is Back...

Cliff Daigle takes a look at some cards worth picking up as in person play begins to pick up across multiple formats.

5 Min Read

When Bad Cards Aren't So Bad!

Once a format is solved it's hard to eke out that edge. NicolaiBolas shares some thoughts on delving into "Bad" cards looking for advantages.

5 Min Read