What If We Wrote a Blog and No One Showed Up?

Greetings Spheroids,
This is the first time I've sat down to write something for Trading Posts specifically. We just launched the blog today, so I spent much of the weekend backfilling the content from Facebook, Youtube, and our support site. Sure, there's lots of room to evolve but for now the blog's got a decent little collection of content and we can start thinking about the future.
We've always known that sooner or later we'd be doing magic articles too. I think it's pretty much assumed that if you're any kind of Magic destination at all, you'd better have content. Plus for over a year now, I've had at least one person every week or two ask if they could write some content for Cardsphere.
So, let's do it: we're officially looking for content creators.
We're interested in the following:
- The metagame for all formats
- Magic finance / news
- Deck lists / breakdowns
- Reviews of Magic products
But we're willing to look at and consider anything.
We like happy surprises and I'm sure there's lots out those out there in the cardsphere. And hey - there's no need to limit yourself to writing. We'll consider any content that's interesting. Audio, video, cartoons, whatever.
If you think you have something to offer, send an email to contact@cardsphere.com with a sample of or links to your work. Experience is good but a captivating style and originality matters a lot more.
We’re happy to negotiate compensation with potential writers, so let us know what your expectations are when you contact us. Of course, Cardsphere is still growing and our budget is limited, so if you’re a budding writer who would like to submit an article in exchange for some exposure and benefit of the community as a whole, we’d like to hear from you as well!
Can't wait to see what comes in!